O God, through St. John the Apostle You willed to unlock to us the secrets of Your Word. Grant that what he has so excellently poured into our ears, we may properly understand. - Patron of Asia Minor
Out of twelve Apostles, Jesus chose three--Peter, James, and John-- to be His most faithful companions.
John was the youngest of the twelve. He and his brother James had been followers of John the Baptist. But Jesus saw them one day helping their father mend fish nets. He called to them, "Come follow Me!" And from that time they stayed close to Him.
Jesus called them "sons of thunder" because they wished to call down fire on the town which would not receive their Master. Jesus was pleased to see them so zealous for His honor.
At the Last Supper, John rested his head on the shoulder of Jesus. He stayed with Jesus during His Passion and death, especially to console Mary. Jesus entrusted His own Mother to his care.
John preached in Palestine for many years. Later he was taken as a prisoner to Rome. He was thrown into a pot of boiling oil, but God kept him from harm. When he was ninety years old, he wrote his Gospel to prove that Jesus was God as well as man. His symbol is the eagle because he soars above the things of the earth and speaks of the divine nature of Christ.
Sobre San Juan El Evangelista
27 deciembre
Dios mio por medio del Apostol San Juan, prestaste tu voluntad para abrirnos los secretos de tu palabra, concede que podamos comprender lo que Dios ha puesto en nuestros oidos. - Patron de Asia Minor
De los doce apostoles, Jesus escogio a tres-- Pedro, Santiago, y Juan, para ser sus fieles accompanantes.
Juan era el mas joven de los doce. El y su hermano Santiago habian sido seguidores de Juan el Bautista. Un dia, Jesus los vio ayudandoles a sus padres a remendar redes de pesca. El les dijo, "Vengan y siganme." Y desde ese dia se estuvieron muy cerca de El.
Jesus los llamo "hijos de truenos", porque deseaban que bajara lumbre sobre el pueblo que no recibiera al Senor. Jesus estaba contento de ver el ardor para su honor.
En la ultima cena, Juan descanso su cabeza en el hombro de Jesus. Se quedo con Jesus durante su pasion y muerte, especialmente se quedo para consolar a Maria. Jesus le encargo su madre a su cuidado.
Juan predico en Palestina por muchos anos. Despues fue llevado prisionero a Roma. Fue tirado en une olla con aciete hirviendo pero Dios lo protegio del dano. Cuando tenia noventa anos, escribio su Evangelio para comprobar que Jesus era Dios al igual que hombre. Su simbolo es el aguila porque el se eleva sobre todas las cosas en el mundo y habia de la divina naturaleza de Cristo.